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i have found some points, you can improve:

1. use some higher resolution Textures for the Text (You can use Photoshop CS2, which is kinda!! free https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html or Gimp) and some Textures for the levels. You can find some good texture packs on DevianArt (http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/?section=&global=1&q=Texture+pack) and maybe also here on Newgrounds. Just give the People Credits and be sure you have the rights to use them (something like: you are free to use ... or, this Pack or Texture is licensed under Creative Commons... should be OK, especially if you are creating a non Commercial game. On Newgrounds all Art Content is under Creative Commons, but it can be under different Terms, just look at the Left column of the Site, if you have found a Texture you like. And if you really don't find the right Texture, ask the People here on newgrounds. You can post a question at the "Team Up" page, you can find in any of the 4 Menu Points (Games, Art etc).
2. you can fall out of Bounds in the second Level. Create a Death Volume at the Bottom of your Level (a Cube.) Set it up, so if you touch it, the Level gets reset.
3. Please write the controlls in the Description.
4. I found no way to open a Ingame Menu. (e.g. to reset the Level, or to get back to the Main Menu)
5. add Music. Here on Newgrounds you will sure find the right piece of Music. They are totally free to use as long as you are not using them for commercial purposes. Just give the people credits and you are fine.
6. make the walls a bit taller, because right now it looks like you can walk over them.

All in all, this is a game which can be improved at some places, but you are on a good way. This is your first game and it's a good first game. Just don't stop to make games, and you will be able to make fantastic games after a while.


thediamondmine responds:

Ill try working on that soon :)

Not bad, for a little tech demo. But what you should implement in the demo is some kind of endless falling protection, so if you fall of the map that you will die and not fall infinite into the void. But besides of that, it is a bit similar to Quake or one of the earlier Unreal games.

If you need help with making a map, I could help you a bit. So PM me if you want.

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I think you can improve your work. But there are also some good things.

Things to Improve (IMO):
- use a better Piano Patch or in general better Patches
- You are fading in the Piano, which does not sound great, because it takes that natural feeling of it. Instead you could try to start without fading in, or try to play a deep Note at the beginning. or so. Fading is pretty bad if you are doing a Classical type of Song.
- IMO your song has to few deep Frequencys (no Contrabass, or Cello)
- you could try to add some Strings in general.
- try to replace the Piano, by using Flutes or Strings, or maybe some winds
- Add a second Voice to your Piano, so it does not repeat so much
- add some Reverb to your Intruments.

Good Things
- I really like the Intro/Outro/ARP stuff
- I really like the Bells

If you want I can help you a Bit.

SinZLazTWordZ responds:

Wow, been a long time since I have seen such a detailed review, I am pleased.
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to review, I do agree with most of these opinions and will be going over this track again.
Secondly, I would love some help, I am always looking to collab so if you wouldn't mind throwing me a PM with some ways I can get in contact with you after I go over this again I would love to send it your way.


the beginning of your song is very Hardstylish with that drums, then after some time the dubstep part beginns

- Dubstep Part
- Beginning (the voice)
- good Pads, lead and instruments
- good atmosphere (e.g. voices, that raven)
- ending
- different parts are well glued together

things you can improve in my opinion
- Vary your wobble Bass
Tip: to get clean transitions between the different wobble speeds, Bounce your bass in a audiofile and chop it then into pieces, so you can cut them to make a clean transition.
- that Hardstyle Drums (only my opinion), dont fit into the horror theme well
- the Piano sounds a bit to compressed at the end
tip: try to take a bit of the reverb away

YouriX responds:

Thank you for the well formulated review :D
The hardstyle kick i used sound alot like the traditional madness songs. Thats why i used it. Also thanks for the tips! Really thankfull for that! ;)

Reminds me of some kinda Stealth-Game (Splinter Cell, Hitman) melody.

- Background percussion (great loop)
- I like the lead that is at 02:16 (this arp synth)
- I like all intruments
- mixing is very good
- atmosphere fits very good for that "Terror From The Deep" theme

Things you can, in my opinion, improve on this song:
- hard transition at 02:19 and
- a bit repititive between 2:00 and 2:19 and you can hear that you copied that loop, that replays a bit later
Tipp: add sometimes a Pad which sounds interesting (only one long note) or vary that loop by adding a second voice to play chords together (2 notes)
- percussion also a bit repititive
- a final for your song is missing, but you are trying to get a ending by repeating the last few notes, but there is something missing like a Drum hit at the end.
- ending note is missing (simply take the first note of that repeating loop at the end and play it at the end, make it a bit longer maybe)
- let some space between the end of the song and the end of the file lenght, so that the dynamics like the hall can decay

All in all a great song, but you can improve it at some places

Aelkamal responds:

What a review! i'll take into account what you said. thanks for the tips! and check my soundcloud page for a few more....



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